[CR]Annual Baltimore Retro Ride

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Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 11:31:54 -0700 (PDT)
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Annual Baltimore Retro Ride

For the retro weenies in the Balto/Washington area-------Giacomo Bellora, Falls Church VA

-----Original Message----- From: Shawn Downing [mailto:shawn.downing@jhu.edu] Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 11:37 AM To: cw@topica.com; uscf-district20@topica.com Subject: D20: Annual Baltimore Retro Ride

The Annual Baltimore Retro Ride Saturday November 1st, 10 am beginning at Oregon Ridge Park, off I-83.

Bring out your oldest bike, wear your oldest wool jersey, ride with a hairnet helmet, talk about the bad old days, appreciate how much technology has improved the bicycle! All are welcome even if you have a "modern bike."

Cost is free, ride length will be the usual Wednesday night loop that leaves from Oregon Ridge - around 35 miles. Pace is relaxed and social. Donuts served at 9:30 am, ride leaves at 10 am.

Directions - from Baltimore I-83 north to Shawan Rd west. At first traffic light turn left (Beaver Dam Rd), go about half a mile to the Oregon Ridge Center parking lot on the right.

Questions? Shawn 410 889 5518 home or shawn.downing@jhu.edu

Shawn Downing King Pawn - Chesapeake Wheelmen, secretary P.O. Box 9372 Baltimore, MD 21228

Established 1946, one of America's oldest cycling clubs http://www.chesapeakewheelmen.org

King Pawn http://www.kingpawn.com

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