Re: [CR]Peugeot Course - Just what is it?

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

From: "jerrymoos" <>
To: "Tom Forhan" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Peugeot Course - Just what is it?
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:57:06 -0500

Tom, Chuck's collection of repro Peugeot catalogs shows a "Course" in the late 70's catalogs. It was also known as the UO-10. A step up from the UO-8, with a three arm Stronglight TS alloy crank and later a Stronglight 104. Carbon steel inexpensive tubing. Would be an OK beater, but if it's not your size, it's probably not worth a whole lot of time or effort.


Jerry Moos
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Forhan
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 7:31 PM
Subject: [CR]Peugeot Course - Just what is it?

> Found a ratty one nearby at a garage sale price.
> Doesn't look like a French equivalent to a Paramount,
> but I thought I'd ask.
> I'm used to hearing about PX-10s and the like, and
> googling around I see that the "Course" is one of the
> models on some vintage transfer sheets, but that is
> all I found about this model.
> I have no use for it and its not my size, but if its
> worth saving from the dumpster I'll give it a shot.
> Thanks
> Tom Forhan
> 1970 Raleigh Super Course
> 1974 Raleigh Super Course
> 1993 Bridgestone X0-2
> Takoma Park MD
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