Pat asked about what had become of Tom Sullivan's shop,and where else is interesting to look for classic/vintage bikes in the Santa Cruz,CA area,including;does the Flea still produce?
Tom Sullivan packed it in a couple of years ago to go back to working re-
models in order to make a real living,raising kids and all.Grant Handley
(rstytnsp) and Peter Johnson are boyhood buddies of Tom,so they helped to
keep him stocked in exotic candy.
I filled my house and shop with kool bike projects after 25 years of
finding them starting in the 70's,so I stopped hunting so avidly a few years
ago.Even so,I'm a regular at the Flea,and the bike hunting has declined
precipitously there in the last ten years.About five good ones in a year show
up.I used to adopt orphan bikes in danger of being ruined at the rebuild
shops,but I kind of quit that so as to avoid temptation.I suspect that I was
finding less before i quit anyway...
The Flea Market these days mostly shows sorta classic usable bikes like
Treks and Fujis.Which reminds me...that one day I let local shop owner Jeff
Jolin buy a touring Jack Taylor so that I would know where it is until he
sells it.His shop is Cycle Works on 41st Avenue.He keeps a fair supply of
orphaned puppies upstairs there.May still have the somewhat 61cm Taylor.
'til later,Seth F. Santa Cruz,CA