Hi all,
I would like to introduce myself as new list member.
My name is Raimund Klocke,52 years old,living in Haßloch,Germany,25 miles
>from Heidelberg and in the neighborhood of some of the best "Riesling"
vineyards of the world.
I´m working as a planner in Materials Management of Unilever Bestfoods Food
I´m starting to collect vintage-bikes this year and my first is a "Raleigh
Rapid" from the early eighties.
David Stove "thestows" asked for Hans Mittendorf.He is the "doyen" of the
german frame builders and more details you will find on his web
I look forward to becoming highly involved in this list.
Best regards
Raimund Klocke,Haßloch,Germany
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