[CR]Loss at The BVVW

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

From: "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry@worldnet.att.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <20031125.065544.28675.991349@webmail10.lax.untd.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:57:49 -0500
Subject: [CR]Loss at The BVVW

Dear Friends, Eight weeks ago, a founding member of The Brooklyn Velodrome wheelmen, Richard Levin passed away. Ritch had suffered with previously undiagnosed heart disease, but after a stent, he had been given the o.k. to ride. The day after a fifty miler, Ritchie said goodbye. Ritch was 51 years old. I've only just found this report by Ritchie's hand on a BVVVW meeting that took place a year ago. I don't remember if I posted it then, so please allow me the privilege of placing it here now:

On Friday Oct.10.2002. ten members of The BVVW( Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen) showed up for the monthly meeting held at Emey\u2019s Bicycle Shop, N.Y.C. 7 made their way afterwards for pizza.. Boy did they miss a show. John had just returned from California and brought his lap top computer with pictures of the gorgeous bicycles at the The Velo Rendezvous that was held there. The highlight of the talk was the articulation of the talk that John gave. He does get excited! If he didn't sound like someone twice his age then he sounded 3 times that. Henceforth he shall be known as \u201cIl Proffessore\u201d But the true highlight was a sample seatlug that was given to him(by Brian Baylis) in the raw (massaged by Mario Confente first)which we all had a chance to fondle. The artistry was superb.

We were also, through John's quest to disseminate knowledge, given a handout on Confente bikes and their history. Included was a copy of the original brochure and article by Russ Howe. I have to admit that my knowledge of this historic bike builder is limited only by my lack of knowledge on the subject.

After the slide and talk show we had the opportunity to see probably one of the first Confente badged bikes built. Built in 1976 at Masi for Irene Ferrari, the wife of Fred Ferrari, designer of Confente decals and brochure and whose bike is pictured in that brochure. This bike was ridden and shown at the VR earlier this month.We knew from the talk that Confente had certain trade marks that allow the knowledgeable to establish authenticity by the builder; four drill holes in seat tube lug/ top tube intersection would be just one of the distinguishing marks. The \u201cM\u201d cutout in the bottom bracket for \u201dMasi\u201d distinguished the bike as such.

We talked about the origin of the \u201ccork is popped\u201d syndrome with an accompanying hand out of the Ted Ernst text as given to VR attendees. A lottery of a \u201cVeuve Cliquot\u201d champaine cork to help Emey recoup some the costs of housing some biking misfits at this most recent of meetings followed. John and Sally had already consumed the contents bottle. Cliff won. All proceeds were given to Emey for some \u201cO\u2019Douls near beer\u201d. Emmy graciously accepted.Thanks again Emey for hosting us. We should raise our next glass to his honor. We forgot.Too much real beer.

The group then made its way to the usual eating hole: Johns pizzeria on Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village. Excellent pizzia cheep. Ah... the moment of truth; do we wait on line or abandon ship. We stuck it out. Only 20 minutes to get in with only one defection: Christo the Greek Italian to see his 9 month old Stephano. After ordering, talk around the table concerning appointments concluded with several resolutions being passed. John re-declared himself The Omnipotent Despot and we all assented. So it is written, so it was to be. After receiving his title, he immediately started to make decree after decree: Norman \u201cNino\u201dHellman-consigliere and official court jester, Carlyle- official photographer(he didn\u2019t have the camera but does arrive at the meetings on his late 50\u2019s Raleigh 3-speed. Then meets us downtown and leaves the bike outside locked with the European style integral wheel lock. Bill Vojech was decreed club secretary(later changed to club ride coordinator once John was sober. Rich Levin will be secretary.Looks better in the skirt. Everyone agreed.) and is to work with Michael Lebron to design club jerseys. The despot made various other decrees. I didn\u2019t pay close attention, but what the hay, we'll learn what they were as we go along.

There was then a resolution of doing a Club ride on Nov. 10 in Prospect Park, Brooklyn . Bear Mt or Albany are being talked about as future destinations, but with no sense of urgency. Michael Lebron, who showed up with a Holdsworth bike for the meeting, was rewarded with the privilege of giveing a 500 word or more dissertation on the history of his bike and the mark at the November meeting. Assistance will come from Josh \u201cbi valiant\u201d Berger. A workshop presentation on rebuilding and repair of historic bikes, as well as a written test for the rest of us to see if we were paying attention, will be given.

The pizza (one plain, one mushroom) as well as the beer(Bud on tap) was delivered to the table . A great time was had by all. Afew of us were still hungry, so we ordered another pie. Half mushroom, half plain. And more beer.

The BVVW then retired, like the gentile men that we were, to \u201c Café Dante\u201d at Bleeker and Thompson and sipped on capuchino and crumpets and gelatto. Then we went home.

Happy trails and tails to all. A great time was had by all.

Thanks Ritch.
John T.Pergolizzi
New York, New York