Re: [CR] Most Collacible bike - the very first titanium frame?

(Example: History)

From: "Feeken, Dirk" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Most Collacible bike - the very first titanium frame?
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:14:17 +0100

What about the very first titanium frame ever? Would that be an outstanding collectible? I don't speak of a first gen Speedwell or other old titanium production bike but of (maybe?) the very first bicycle frame on this planet that has been built out of titanium tubes. While the first steel frame and probably aluminium frame is lost in history the first titanium frame might be trackable. And I had hold it in my hands two weeks ago(?) Here's the story: I gave two frames to repaint to the local frame builder Fritz Fleck. I know that he has built titanium track frames for the 1972 Olympics (with one winning a gold medal) in Munich and asked him about these frames. He told me about 1972 how he joined the team in Munich and built the frames in the very last minutes while there where discussions with the UCI going on if the frames should be allowed or not. After rummaging in a pile of old frames he showed me two of his first titanium frames with one beeing the very first he has built in 1970 for test purposes and to train the welding. It's even not ridable because he cutted into the joints to check if the welding was ok. It's an interesting frame with drilled reinforcements at the BB and hand cut drop outs, etc... It's for sure the first titanium frame of the builder who has built the first titanium bike that showed up at an international event. But maybe it's even the very first titanium frame ever?

But, I'm sure Jan will present a french genius who welded titanium bicycle frames in 1935.


Dirk Feeken