Re: [CR]None

(Example: Events:Eroica)

From: "Hetchinspete" <>
To: Julie Tharp <>, <>
Subject: Re: [CR]None
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 10:11:13 -0500

Marshall: I have the same issues with a 1939 Hetchins Trio that I purchased about 5-6 years ago. It's the only Trio on the Hetchins Register to survive to this day, so if I restore it, some visual history will be lost, but I'll be sure to take many photos to refer back to it's last appearance before restoration. It came to me with the complete original group as built by Hetchins. If I restore it, I'm sure the market value will suffer, but to not restore such a wonderful piece of cycling history leads to further detioration and the scrap heap.

I could care less about market value, as it's more its personal value to me that is important and prefer to restore it to as close to it's original appearance as possible. Brian Baylis has already agreed to help with the restoration process, as I hope to recover as much possible original detail as possible. The decals are completely gone in most locations, but there is enough of the silver underneath layer to tell what the decals were. The only complete surviving decals was a head badge decal in amazing original condition, as some later owner from the late 30s/early 40s mounted a brass head badge over the decal, helping to preserve the decal. There was much silver box lining, and all but a ghost of it still is apparent. I rarely hope for a museum quality restoration, but the Trio commands this type of restoration.

Peter Naiman Boston, MA

> From: Julie Tharp <>
> Date: 2003/11/27 Thu AM 09:01:19 EST
> To:
> Subject: [CR]None
> I've recently come accross a McLean tandem in fair to
> poor shape. As I struggle with the notion that when
> you repair you take away some of what is unique and
> beautiful about that history. But life goes on and
> all things must be impermanent, change or they end up
> like the dustly broken down two seated machine that
> was in this garage. My question for the group is how
> to discover the history of the McLean Fonvielle
> creation. I have been unable to locate an ID number
> or code as to assist me in my efforts. Any
> suggestions would be appreciated. Jack Farris,
> Marshfield Wisconsin
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