No way!
That looks like a ISHIWATA 022 tubing sticker!.................As far as I know of, the only year that Colnago used any other type of tubing 1993! It was built with ''TANGE Prestige!''
BTW: You guys really got to watch out for bikes coming out of the Benelux! I know of stashes of repro stickers and I'm sure that I have some of these as well, I buy a bunch of parts and there these stickers laying in the boxes. So to say the sticker ( transfers! ) of certain marques are easy to find and they find their way onto almost any Tom, Dick and Harrys bike..Hey! I want to ride a Colnago!..OK! Just slap on some Colnago stickers.
this ebay frameset has the same luggs that is on a Fladria that I have but this one has the Colnago trade marque! OK! I know of one supplier ( Bike shop! ) who does have simular frames with the so called Colnago trade marque! But they do not market it their frames as being Colnagos! The clover ( flower! ) is somewhat smaller on their framesets. And thier framesets are also built with ISHIWATA 022 tubing. I've been to another seller! I saw a frameset with no stickers but it had simular looks to that of the Colnago trade marque so I said ''NICE COLNAGO!'' Right away he said it's not a Colnago, we made it to look like a Colnago but we don't try to sell them as a Colnagos.
So to say, BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE!...............No need to be taken for a ride!............If this frameset ends up selling.................I only see bad things happening!
Baron C..................And the gang!!
Renaissance cycles
Eindhoven Holland!
> I'm stumped by this one.
> It looks like no colnago I've ever seen. I'm guessing it's some variation
> the International, but beyond that, I'm baffled. anybody have any ideas?
> It almost looks like a home-built job detailed to look like a Colnago, but
I have
> a feeling it's an actual colnago..whatever that means. The anachronistic
> details clash...
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal