Re: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:57:43 -0800 (PST)
From: "rocketman531" <>
To: ADP <>,
Subject: Re: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn


I bought a World Voyageur (orange) this last weekend at a bicycle swap meet in Phoenix. ($5!!!) It has "Schwinn Approved" bar cons with GRAY hoods........ They look like they've been there a long time (about 30 years).

Pat Moffat Tempe, AZ

-----Original Message----- From: ADP <> Sent: Nov 6, 2003 11:47 AM To: Subject: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn

As Rick pointed out, I have a bad habit of offending the classic bike gods. Sigh.... This is why I'm having such trouble with the Montelatici, and heck, thats pretty era correct.

I figured since I'm taking all these liberties in interpreting a 1973 Schwinn by giving it much nicer 27" wheels and better center pulls than it came with, that no one would too terribly offended by some era correct downtube shifters.

I have some Suntour power rachet bar con shifters, but I think they may be too new. Did the original ones that came with the Schwinn have little black handles? The lightweight data book is not enlightening me to this. I also need to find more of the cool metal cable housing that they prefer.

Ann Phillips, Atlanta GA home of the Dahon folding bike, I've sold 3 today.

>Since you bring it back up, I feel the need to respond. As the proud owner
>of two '73 World Voyageurs, I implore you to cease this downtube endeavor
>and use barcon shifters on yours. Your difficulty in finding a good fit is
>the bike gods way of telling you to stick to the original. :)
>The Voyageur came in three colors; "kool orange", "opague blue", "lemon
>yellow". I have an orange one and a blue one. Anyone seen a yellow one
>Rick Kerkhoff
>Cincinnati, Ohio