[CR]Re: ...what's a UO-8 to you?: Funk

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 07:17:35 -0500
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org, tom.ward@juno.com
Subject: [CR]Re: ...what's a UO-8 to you?: Funk

Thomas E Ward wrote:

<snip> Okay, here's a tangent from the 'classic', 'vintage', 'rare' et. al. discussion: I've just bought the early '70s, clean, 58.5 cm Peugeot UO-8 that some of you may have noticed on eBay this past week--to accompany a similarly sized PX-10 that I am building up from a frameset. Guess I like the Peugeots and their "arts decoratifs" graphics <snip> I thought you might have fun with this question: is a clean, early-ish UO-8 . . .is it Classic . . . Vintage . . . (even, at this point (haven't most been abused and/or begun to rust))--somewhat Rare? As in "Seen Less and Less Frequently", I suppose--even if it was, as Sheldon Brown puts it on his website--"the choice of the Hoi Polloi" and sold by the boatload? -------------- Tom, I'd suggest that the UO-8, like my Sears Ted Williams Sport Racing discussed after CR this year, is Funk. Pure trigger for launching memories, for those of us of a certain age. In my case, the Sears was my first 10-speed, and I learned by exploring and dissecting every system and bearing. (Of course, my memories of the UO-8 include the derelicts with the post autographing the "saddle" from underneath, since the post had no shoulder).

harvey sachs
mcLean va