In defence: [CR]A Raleigh Complaint!

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: <>
To: <>
Subject: In defence: [CR]A Raleigh Complaint!
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 7:40:52 -0500

Perhaps I was just lucky but of the four Raleighs I have none have exploded or fallen apart, or shown any problem with lugs not being brazed. (3 are 531 frames) The frames are 231/2 to 251/2" so they're big enough to exhibit any bad flexing habits if they were so inclined. OTOH: Maybe the paint's holding them together. ; ) The worst "defect" I've noticed on my Super Course is that the head tube was brazed in a bit off center and since the badge holes were predrilled the little heron always looks off to one side! I did see a cheap Record in a Goodwill store that had the biggest gaps between the tubes and lugs, like they used French tubes in regular sized lugs. So I don't doubt there's some bad jobs out there but sure like to think there's more good than bad.

OT: as for British sports cars-watch "Victory By Design" on Speed channel when they cover Jaguar and Aston Martin to see what they could do. (be sure to pipe through stereo-beautiful sounds!)

Pete Geurds
Douglassville, PA