Has anyone heard of an Alward? I've seen one and the only identification is "Alward" cast into the seatstay plugs. No decals, no headbadge. I neglected to look for a serial number. It's pretty: long-point lugs with windows, flat crown, curved fillet-brazed bridges. It's comfy: long stays and wheelbase, shallow angles. 27" wheels and mostly Japanese (Suntour, DiaCompe...) components... probably early/mid '80's. But what's it's story? Any guesses?
BTW... Paul W. of Berkeley made the same observations and inquiry a year ago. Paul, if your out there, did you find anything?
Thanks, David Gill Berkeley, CA
David Gill architect
a n d r e s e a r c h d e s i g n p r o d u c t i o n
1805a Second Street Berkeley California 94710
(510) 540 1033 telephone (510) 540 1157 facsimile