You guys sound like blue-haired old ladies. The only voice of sanity I've heard since this topic came up again was from Craig G. in SLO.
You guys were getting hinky about the deals from the git go, but still went for them? Paid with paypal but didn't use their buyer protection?
Repeatedly slam and slander Carsten on this list (he's a reader you know) and then act indignant when you don't get some big bag of goodies? SOME of our readers have received their "grab bags" to guess why theirs were at the front of the cue and the rest of you whiners are at the back of the cue? The CRAZIEST thing I've read yet was from Homiski, who said his deal was fine, but still titled his post "fraud." w.t.f. is WRONG with you guys? Do something else, just shut up about it already...take it up with squeebay or paypal...because honestly, whether they will do anything or not, what in the world can the rest of US readers do for you? Go ride, whether there's sun or not. But if there IS sunlight, soak it ALL up...I wonder if we're seeing mass-Vitamin D deprivation.
The other Dale, Boulder
oh....yeah when my e-bay purchases last year were running late, I dropped a note to paypal, the next day Carsten contacted me...and like others have reported, I got some nice extra goodie in the package with my items the next week (sent DHL Air Express, b.t.w.)
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