[CR]Re: "leave me alone" means your private e-mails are NOT WELCOME

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:01:24 -0800 (PST)
From: "Dale B. Phelps" <losgatos_dale@yahoo.com>
To: Steve Neago <questor@cinci.rr.com>, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <000a01c3c327$d4cdbde0$cbb71b18@cinci.rr.com>
cc: abuse@cinci.rr.com
Subject: [CR]Re: "leave me alone" means your private e-mails are NOT WELCOME

Steve (and any others who persist in e-mailing me about this),

While every bit a reflection of your opinion (to which you are entitled), your private e-mail(s) to me about this are not welcome.

I have no affiliation with you or the people you have business dealings with, and further contact from you is NOT WELCOME!

How many ways does "leave me alone" need to be said? I am cc'ing this request to your ISP : "please do NOT e-mail me anymore. Further unwelcome contact from you will be reported directly to your ISP as spam."

--- Steve Neago wrote:

> I agree with Frank, hopefully discussion on the CR will prod Carsten
> (who
> supposedly reads this list) to promptly fulfill his obligations.
> Ignoring Carsten's continuing problems that have burned CR members
> will not
> make the problems go away.
> Regards, Steve Neago
> Cincinnati, OH
> "Glad I missed the auction train because it turned into a train wreck
> ! "
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dale B. Phelps" <losgatos_dale@yahoo.com>
> To: <frankcordell558@yahoo.com>; <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 9:07 AM
> Subject: [CR]Hey FRank, take the "queue" and leave me alone!
> > --- Frank Cordell <frankcordell558@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Dale:
> > >
> > > FWIW, I'm one of those who paid for the grab-bag about 10 weeks
> ago,
> > > but haven't received anything or any response to many e-mails.
> It's
> > > probably true that I should have been more wary of the deal, etc.
> > > It's also probably true that, having alerted the CR list to the
> > > deterioration of Carsten's reliability, if not honesty, there's
> no
> > > longer any reason to discuss this on the list.
> >
> > isnt that last sentence really "enough said", Frank? The periodic
> > revisiting of this on our list is tiresome, If you think you got
> ripped
> > off, why take it out on the list? Further, pushing the issue on me
> > (albeit privately) after I said MY piece about it on the CR list
> >
> > >
> > > Even so, do you really think it's not appropriate for people to
> alert
> > > the list that Carsten has, in effect, taken maybe $2,000 from
> > > listmembers (ignoring purchasers who are not on the CR list)?
> I'd be
> > > interested if you have specifics about who has received what they
> > > purchased, and whether they thought it was a reasonable package
> for
> > > the $100 price. Based upon private e-mails with list members,
> I've
> > > not encountered anyone who has received anything.
> >
> > The "alert" has been more than made. As to others getting their
> grab
> > bags, follow up on the winners, then look to see who is selling
> Campi
> > bits on e-bay. The quiet, regular traders who know that system seem
> to
> > have done alright by Carsten. I mySELF have done OK by Carsten. As
> I
> > related in my post, Dave in SLO has done fine by Carsten. Even
> Homiski
> > said he'd done fine with Carsten (though based in effect, on
> hearsay he
> > still chose to use the "fraud" word)
> >
> > > Oh, and by the way, the word you're thinking of is "queue."
> >
> > No Frank, the word I intended WAS "cue." as in, take the hint.
> >
> > __________________________________
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