Tire glue softens at high temperatures. I did a tech inspect once for a triathalon on a 95 degree day (day before race) and peeled off tires all day long. Also consider braking on long downhills. Not all glues are equal in this respect also.
Also those of us with many bikes (raise your hands) are often guilty of riding years old tubualrs with years old glue. This years resolution: a tech inspect with fresh glue and tires where needed. I'll stop going for the record on that beloved Continental, retubed by Tirealert,. 9000 miles (or whatever) is enough!
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch NJ
> Andrew,
> >" Tubasti is my glue of choice...I've seen Tubasti stay
> > pliable for over a decade, "
> Yea, its good stuff.
> > "New rims might get one thin coat of glue, to dry overnight,
> > but sometimes not even that."
> Sorry, Andrew, not enough IMHO. But I'm a trackie. New rims two coats.
> The a third and attach tire. Will not roll. Period.
> >"...I've even put used spares on rims with old glue"
> Yes , this is true of Tubasti, but not Clement (the red stuff; gets dry
> brittle) or 3M tack adhesive( gorilla snot). The new Tubasti dissolves
> of the old.
> >" I've also encountered sew-ups that were glued on rims so thoroughly
> could not be removed without the aid of > atire-iron, or some other lever.
> This seems absurd to me."
> That's the way w/ track tandems. And real good for sprint bikes too.
> Security at 60 MPH. Been there , done that.
> And throw all that Velox etc. tape shit in the trash, just learn how to do
> it right. But only if ya wanna join
> "The Club".
> ciao,
> John T.Pergolizzi