Somebody tell me some shellac mounted track / stayer tire stories. I'm tempted to try it someday just for curiosity's sake and it sounds so much more fuzzy than playing with glue from tubes.
My practice with gluing (generally Continental or Vittoria Mastik1 these days):
New - scratch keys with file or whatever bit of steel is handy. 2 base coats on rim (usually 24 hrs apart), one on tire base tape. Allow 24 hrs to cure. Final light coat on each and fit within 15 minutes or so, lightly inflate, true up, pump to near rated capacity. Allow 24 hrs to cure before riding.
Old - scrape off big chunks / brittle stuff. Test to see that new glue solubilizes old stuff (always has but it is good to know). Apply one base coat each rim and base tape. Allow 24 hrs to cure. Final light coat on each and fit within 15 minutes or so, lightly inflate, true up, pump to near rated capacity. Allow 24 hrs to cure before riding.
Could no doubt reduce the intermediate 24 hour between base coats to a couple of hours depending on temp/humidity.
Charlie Young
Honeybrook, PA
> Andrew,
> >" Tubasti is my glue of choice...I've seen Tubasti stay
> > pliable for over a decade, "
> Yea, its good stuff.
> > "New rims might get one thin coat of glue, to dry overnight,
> > but sometimes not even that."
> Sorry, Andrew, not enough IMHO. But I'm a trackie. New rims two coats.
> The a third and attach tire. Will not roll. Period.
> >"...I've even put used spares on rims with old glue"
> Yes , this is true of Tubasti, but not Clement (the red stuff; gets dry
> brittle) or 3M tack adhesive( gorilla snot). The new Tubasti dissolves
> of the old.
> >" I've also encountered sew-ups that were glued on rims so thoroughly
> could not be removed without the aid of > atire-iron, or some other lever.
> This seems absurd to me."
> That's the way w/ track tandems. And real good for sprint bikes too.
> Security at 60 MPH. Been there , done that.
> And throw all that Velox etc. tape shit in the trash, just learn how to do
> it right. But only if ya wanna join
> "The Club".
> ciao,
> John T.Pergolizzi