In a message dated 12/3/2003 9:47:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Bob Hovey conjectured about the first Masi 3V: "This must be the frame Faliero is holding in the "Il Maestro" article... it has baby-blue paint and looks fillet-brazed"
Richard Sachs responds (via his Southern interpreter): the the sample frame at the 79 show was forkless and white, but that picture is an example of what i saw. the article was likely a stock company foto. campagnolo never made aero lever mounts, those were usually silva made.
Lou Deeter, "Southern Interpreter for a Connecticut Yankee--now, That's Rich!! No.......that's Richie" Orlando FL
Does this mean that they did not make the aero lever mount PN 7316014 on pg 33 of catalog 18bis? (Or the mount sold as part of lever sets 0118073, 0118039 and 0118063 on pg 32). If not, what other Campy parts did Silva make?
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA