c'mon gang, use of the rating numbers on e-bay to disparage a seller publicly is lame! ANYone who cares will be looking for themselves already, and remember that when you were in school you felt pretty damn happy to get a 98.7 on a final....so where do we get off at when we make implication that a "98.7" is bad?
In MY opine those judgements are best kept to one's selves, few attitudes will change in the readership hooting about it anyways....excpet maybe the attitudes about loads of low-content postings.
Just that fact that what I just now said will likely piss more than 1.3% of our readers off is a reason to avoid all future interactions with the likes of Phelps. Seriously. Or not. Heh.
Personally, I tire a bit of e-bay "outings", and not just when I am bidding an item and some wag serial-bids to explore upper limits. We reduce the discussion-level potential of this forum to something akin to the bulletin board at a laundromat - and when things get THAT bad, even a daily digest (which comes out 2 or three times a day?) is too tedious to mine. -- Dale "the other" Phelps Boulder CO
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