Re: [CR]Re: Cyclo 24 alleged Fraud - Dale P insults unreasonable for the CR

(Example: Events:Eroica)

From: "Steve Neago" <>
To: "classicrendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Cyclo 24 alleged Fraud - Dale P insults unreasonable for the CR
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:32:34 -0500

If Dale P wants to call other CR members "Aa**holes", "SOBs", "dopes", as he does in his CR msg below and that he is "inclined to issue a heart-felt "f***-you to you all," over a minor forum discussion topic, I suggest that his personal problems run far deeper than this discussion.

Most CR members would be insulted and provoked to respond based on language used by Dale P. Especially when he files complaints about CR member with their host ISPs about bland comments regarding his public forum posts. The man who claims to hate SPAM creates it for himself as he sees it when he provokes others through public comments. I guess some people never learn to be calm and civil, regardless of their age...

Perhaps Dale P should measure his words more carefully when responding or simply ignore the discussion topic... no one is forcing him to read or respond in a provocative way concerning this topic about Carsten. Exactly what is Dale P interested in discussing on the CR anyway? Maybe he should ignore this topic and move to the topic that interests him rather than insulting others...

Regards, Steve Neago
Cincinnati, OH

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale B. Phelps"
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:53 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: Cyclo 24 alleged Fraud

> Ray,
> If you felt insulted, that was not my intent. "Fraud" is a strong word,
> and I didn't see any basis for such a label related in your experience.
> This persistent belly-aching about bad deals on the CR list takes away
> from the value of the list, and I think that if people do not use the
> resources available to them to resolve problems, then I (as well as you
> and many other readers) should not have to be subject to the
> consequence of their lack of acumen in business dealings. There is a
> reason why we used to have terms like caveat emptor, is it possible
> that we're all too young to have forgotten that?
> Ray, you obviously have no idea how the persistent private e-mails from
> these complaining a**holes bothers me. Do YOU like "spam"? I have no
> affiliation with Carsten apart from having bought things from him, and
> suddenly, these persistent s.o.b.s insist upon bothering me PRIVATELY
> (as incidentally, you've chosen to also, despite my obvious
> request/statement in my post to the group)
> Truthfully, I am sorry all these folks have problems, but as I can no
> more feed the starving in China, I cannot resolve those idiot's
> business problems for them. Even if I could, how would I (or any OTHER
> person for that matter) be inclined to help, when these frustrated
> bidders start into their frenzy. Truth be known I am SO inclined to
> issue a heart-felt "f***-you" to you all, but will hold back from that
> for now. And if you have a problem with THAT personal inclination, try
> to see it as in the same spirit y'all exhibit when you chose to ignore
> my request and pester me with private e-mails.
> Dale "ready to follow Richard's example with respect to dopes" P.
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