Donald Gillies wrote:
> I wish that there was a little more coverage of the triomphe and
> victory groups on the campagnolo timeline. I believe that when
> C-record was released, these two groups inherited some of the Record
> and Super-Record designs and parts, upgrading the gran sport group.
> The triomphe calipers and victory levers are very close to super
> record in appearance. These groups first appeared on my 1985 bicycle,
> not in 1986, as listed in the campy timeline.
I think there is some confusion here...
Actually, on the Campagnolo Timeline ( there is NO mention of Triomphe and Victory groups at all as the Timeline is concerned with pre C-Record parts; that would be pre 1985.
If you are referring to the Timeline that appears on Campyonly, that was my Timeline with addition things added after 1985 and it is not actually current (updated) as to pre 1985 items.
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California