cut: writes:
dale and peter. those velonews mini-zines, from where this article was lifted, are all about nothing BUT hyperbole. they began years ago as a poly-bag addition to the main periodical. the purpose of all of them was 'promotion', not 'news'. whether it was the "Italian Bicycle Industry" or any of the many other titles, those zines were the publishing equivilant of the tv infomercial. i was interested in being part of one of the early "U.S. Builders..." issues. the ad people contact you, then contract you, then dispatch a writer to do the piece. each participant must pay thousands to be included. as much as $5 thou per page if memory serves. as such, please view these as paid advertisements rather than the words of hard working investigative reporter. e-RICHIE Richard Sachs Cycles No.9, North Main Street Chester, CT 06412 USA Tel. 860.526.2059