Peter wrote:
Interesting reading:
Pete Geurds Douglassville, PA
I found this rather sad, to tell you the truth. I've seen several italian Masi GCs, and several early Carlsbad GCs, and what's in that blurb is blantant untruth. Carlsbad Masis are the zenith of the GC, imho...italian-built GCs were competent, but the best Carlsbad frames were real works-of-art, as finely made and finished as anything ever made under the Masi name.
And once the cast lugs came in, they were *all* different bikes, imho.
I find it sad that Alberto is still nursing a grudge about his father's California dream...but, then, I'm not Alberto, either.
Charles "early 70s italian Masis are cool, but Carlsbad
Masis *are* real Masis, period. And maybe even cooler, in a
way" Andrews
Los Angeles