Hey cool kats,
Bouncing around on my new favorite pornsite ....
... i came upon (?) these Kubrik/Clarke inspired pedals on a Barclay 1982 prototype pro team road bike (Suisse).
Made by that more-than-man Eddy M? Are these "on-topic"? Do questions sound better in three's?
Anyway's its a way cool site with great pics of great bikes. Pictured is an
image that proves(to me) beyond any doubt that patina = mojo ......
For you track bike voyeurs here's a money shot pic.
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On a different note (sorry to bore the list) :-
Its time for me to pack my stuff and ship it to Oz in anticipation of "the big move". Any recommendations for sending 'puter stuff, camera gear, bici and half a room full of slides and negs - safely and cheaply? I can live with it taking a few months in transit (NYC to Sydney) but burning a hole in my wallet, or worse still, losing any of it would leave me a) sadder than a Hetchin's trademark debate and b) ignite a rage in me faster than a bride's nightgown comes off.
Any ideas or heads-ups would be appreciated.
Ben "hoping to be a beach bum ... again" Kamen NYC "if Kauzo buys all my leftover bike junk"