Something I read on the list got me thinking-always dangerous I've found. I like the rule about setting a fixed price for things advertised on the list. However, how does that square with people who out their own or others' Ebay auctions?
These auctions obviously don't have a fixed price (apart from "buy it now") and outing them only serves to do, in many cases, what an ad on the list inviting offers would do-hike up the price.
This is all academic for me really as I seldom buy anything on Ebay and have never offered anything either but I wondered if the auction thing was in the spirit of the fixed price rule.
If it is, where would that leave people who set up a web page with all their FS items on it and post a message to the list giving the URL and inviting offers? Is this permitted or a breach of the rule? Personally, I can't see the difference between this and an Ebay outing.
What if someone sets up a web page of FS items and invites "bids". How would this Ebay amateurs' night be viewed?