Dear CR friends,
It's true. I bought Proteus. What an amazing event. It seems destiny (and many friends) wills me to follow this course. I give credit and gratitude to Larry Black for leading me to this opportunity and to Larry Dean for making it possible. These 2 people have spurred a defining time in my life.
Proteus has a place in bicycle history. I am determined to embrace it's past and take it to a new legacy. There is so much to do and I am a shoestring budget. But I can say with certainty that I have the will and passion to make a go of it.
The best part of all is the amazing support of friends and community. I had no idea how important my vision of a bike shop is to people. Day after day people come and help and donate and share moral support. I am so very enheartened with the goodness possible in people. I believe that generousity, good will, integrity and commitment to the bicycle community will keep this shop afloat. You can be assured that I will do my best to make all of you proud.
While I am ultimatley accountable, Proteus Bicycles belongs to everyone. I welcome all of your ideas, support and direction.
Jill DiMauro
Kensington, MD