As The Beach Boys said , in that famous song ,
" Suck a wheel , Suck a wheel , And you're sittin' on top a the world . . . "
: ^ )
Raoul Delmare
Marysville Kansas
> Gang,
> Thanks to all who responded regarding track cogs. Many suggested the
> Euro-Asia Imports cogs. I got one of each 17T and 18T and they are
> indeed excellent.
> As Murphys' Law dictates; as soon as the new cogs arrived, one day later
> the missing cogs surface at the bottom of a box that was "nested" with
> two other boxes on top of it. A box of telephone cords and junk turns
> out to also contain 25(!!) assorted Campagnolo and SunTour track cogs. I
> feel RICH! I might as well have found a box of diamonds. Also a
> selection of single speed freewheels from 15 to 20 teeth! WOW! I can
> sleep now.
> I am now prepared to attend Le Cirque with a properly outfitted fixed
> gear road bike. Nothing quite like the pure simplicity of a fixie on the
> road, with brakes naturally. I hope the weather co-operates; I'm really
> looking forward to riding out there.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> Going on the "JB" ride in the morning. Taking my 650c wheel road bike
> built from Columbus KL tubing out this time. It is very easy for me to
> "hide" from people while on their wheel on this bike because it is so
> small and low. It has earned me two fond nicknames amongst my friends;
> some call me "the gnat" and others refer to me as "the invisable man".
> Personally, I don't see what's wrong with "wheelsucker"!