Ken, the videos sound great! Not really interested in VHS, but would definitely want the DVD version. When would that be available?
How in the world did you manage to get all the copyrights to the material from RAI TV Italy?
Chuck Schmidt L.A.
ken denny wrote:
> List Members,
> I have a collection of videocassettes (VHS) of most of the major European professional races covering the years 1946-1962. Each tape is 2+hours long. There are over 24 hours of total viewing time on 12 tapes. They are great viewing with many close up shots of the cyclists and their machines. If you really want to do an accurate restoration, right down to the correct way to attach a number tag, then this is it.
> For example, tape number 1 covers Milan-San Remo 1946 (Coppi), Giro d'Italia 1946 (Bartali), Giro del Lazio 1947 (Motta), Giro d'Italia 1947 (Coppi), Giro d'Italia 1948 (Magni) as well as the '48 TdF (Bartali).
> Another tape, for example includes the 51/52 tours, Baracchi Trofeo, Parigi-Roubaix, and a very neat clip from the '52 Milan "Mostra Ciclo e Moto" show, which highlights a very playful Tullio Campagnolo introducing his latest gear, the Gran Sport (he's shown playfully spinning a tabletop drivetrain while shifting the chain through the gears).
> These tapes are available for viewing to listmembers for $5 plus cost of postage and return shipping.
> These videos were first produced in the 40's and 50's for RAI TV (Italian National TV). I hold copyrights on all materiaI. I may be producing a compilation of all of them onto a multiple DVD set for (future) distribution and sale. More on that later as I get a better measure of market interest.
> Please contact me off-list if you are interested in viewing any of them, along with your specific years of interest. Loan time will be limited to one week max from delivery date, as I anticipate a fairly high demand. There will also be a replacement damage fee of $50 if you damage the tape, so be careful.
> Ken Denny
> Boston (I'm missing the Simpsons)