I would think my Mercian would qualify. Vincitore (with those specific lugs), traditional sized Reynolds 531, old-style paint scheme, older pattern decals, designed to be set up as a fixed-gear road bike. The parts, admittedly, are not from any specific time frame - but then, if you had an original Holdsworth Typhoon, say, that had been ridden since it was new in the 50s, and parts replaced with easily-available bits through the years, you might wind up with something like it.
Is it really a "repro?" Considering that Mercian has been around since what, the late 40s, with the same owner since 1965 (who came up through the ranks there), perhaps the only thing that isn't vintage about that frame is that it was built in 2002 instead of 1952 ...
Russ Fitzgerald
Greenwood, SC