"Ben Sanford" <B.Sanford@cox.net> writes:
> How do the CR people (who aren't dealers) deal with spouses who
> thing you have too big a stash?
I am currently utilizing a process of osmosis to keep my wife happy.
My old hobby is bikes. My most recent hobby has been vintage (Toyota) Land Cruisers. My current hobby is again bikes. My wife never liked the vintage Land Cruiser hobby, but she likes bikes. I am in the slow process of making the literature, toys, models, spare parts and one vehicle go out the door, and bit by bit bikes and frames and wheels are taking their place. She seems happy.
Speaking of which, I am looking for a 2nd road bike for her, which she can keep at work and ride at lunch. I can probably find a decent mid-range Shimano 9spd road bike for under $500 that would suit her fine, but I think she'd like a vintage bike. She drove a '69 Karmann Ghia when I met her.
Do any of you have something nice in a ~55cm road bike you'd part with for <= $500? Her previous bike was a 54cm Vitus, which she liked. Her current bike is a built-to-fit 55cm Landshark, which she loves.
And just for the record, the same memes come up in the vintage Land Cruiser world as come up in the vintage road bike world: What is the "soul" of a cruiser? What is the ebay etiquette? What does restoration mean, and when is it correct to restore versus renovate? What is the timeline for <esoteric feature>? When is the next get-together? et cetera
Now if I could just trade my bone-stock '63 FJ40 for a Bianchi Folgore in something like a 60cm...
Morgan Fletcher
Sunny Oakland, CA