RE: [CR]Want NOS Vintage?--It is available

(Example: Racing)

content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Want NOS Vintage?--It is available
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:01:01 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]Want NOS Vintage?--It is available
Thread-Index: AcLcHDaPMfQ3DfJURqmrp70T3nVqIAACDMOg
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

e-Richie wrote, in part:
>>>>with regard to lou's earlier a.m. post, i am curious about this... are there any-many on this list that have actually ordered a frame that may be 'considered' a modern version/reissue/ replica/reproduction of a CR timeline bicycle? i would love to know otherwise, but my guess is that the total numbers are frightenly question pertains to a 'new version of an old frame' not a lugged frame made with modern material. that is to say-pre oversized tubes, 'older' lugs, and the like...<<<<

Well, I'm one, albeit under somewhat "special" circumstances. Like Richard, I believe the number will be very, very low. I believe there are considerably more real buyers interested in contemporary frames that are built in a "classic style", and made of modern steel tubing with lugs, and created to accommodate contemporary components. I'm not making a judgment here, just venturing my opinion. Dave Bohm is building a frame for me using old tubing, pressed lugs and Zeus drop-outs. The "special" circumstances are that all that stuff was mine and I wanted something made for me, but using my own old-style materials. We haven't worked out the details yet on spacing, braze-ons, etc., because I haven't yet decided just what I want it to be. I also haven't decided what type of components I want to be able to use. I just thought it would be an interesting project. Are there a lot of people out there that want something like this? I don't think so. Are there some? Obviously. And there are very talented craftsmen out there willing to accommodate that market, however small it might be. Richard is probably in a great position to evaluate that market. I don't think for a minute that Richie had any illusions that he would start getting more orders for his 30th than for his signature model.

I don't think the original question considered having older frames re-worked/re-painted as part of the "survey", so I won't go there. Besides, isn't that another market altogether?

Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA