Re: [CR]Remove from List

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

From: "Paul Williams" <>
To: <>
References: <> <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Remove from List
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:47:51 -0500
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>


Well put - that was my sentiment too in my rather long and rambling last posting. And I forgot to add your name to the list of those to whom I turn to for information and advice! I am ashamed :^) Let us hope it doesn't start any bad blood between us ;^)



Paul Williams,
Ottawa, ON, Canada

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Baylis
To: ken denny
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Remove from List

> ken,
> I was very pleased when I saw your name appear on the list as a
> contributor recently. I hoped at that time your stay would be long and
> benificial to all parties. I for one, am saddened by the way things have
> gone the past few days. A fresh start, a new life, fun for everyone was
> what I would liked to have seen. Knowing most of the parties involved in
> the current situation, all of whom I consider friends in one way or
> another, including yourself; I knew that all would pretty much have to
> start with a clean slate regarding everyones' past relationships.
> Unfortunately, it has come to pass that the previous relationships are
> effecting the current situation, which is not really a surprise; but as
> I said it saddens me.
> I'm not interested in taking sides or determining who started it or who
> is right or wrong. I only want to say to ALL parties, I'm bummed that we
> all are not playing well together. Both parties have extensive knowledge
> and expertise and it would benifit the remaining 700+ members greatly if
> the two factions could allow the other to co-exist peacefully.
> Any way this is going to be worked out, or is this going to be the way
> it is forever? It's none of my business and whatever you guys come up
> with is acceptable to me; but I would like to see at least a peaceful
> acceptance of one another. As I said before, personally I see value and
> benifit to knowing all of these people, and many others can benifit from
> the body of knowledge each has to offer. I know what it is like to try
> to deal with someone who has for some reason become someone you simply
> cannot come to terms with. Sometimes there is no resolution because it
> takes both parties to co-operate and agree and then follow through with
> the peace agreement. Never easy, often impossible. Either way, if I have
> to deal with each party seperately as neccessary, so be it; but I would
> prefer to see even my friends who don't like each other to let the other
> alone. Instead of looking for "infractions", I reccommend that each
> ignore what the other one does and says COMPLETELY. In reality, what
> either partiy does has no real effect on what the other is doing. The
> effects are primarily in their minds and emotions. If you ignore each
> other, or chuckle to yourself and let it slide, everything would
> probably be OK. Just a thought.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> I know it is impossible to get along with everyone, but you can ignore
> the ones you don't. I also know how hard it is to resist responding to
> real or imagined slights. Do it if you can.
> >
> > Dale,
> > Please remove me from your CR list. In three days I have been attacked from all directions, most recently this unprovoked diatrabe. I don't deserve this kind of garbage, nor do I wish to participate in dialogue that is not reciprocal and rewarding. I honestly do not need this kind of negativity. People on your list should get used to observation, comment and critique - it is a constructive process.
> > It is more than obvious to me that the West-Coast contingent of this hobby has a negative impression of myself, and unfortunately I am not able to, nor have I ever been able to rectify the issues that they have infectiously and unilaterally fostered amongst themselves over the years.
> > God luck to you and the CR group.
> > Peace,
> > Ken Denny
> > Boston
> > Sincerely,
> > Ken Dennt
> > Jan Johnson <> wrote:From: "Jan Johnson"
> >
> > To: "ken denny" ,
> >
> > Subject: RE: [CR]'nother eBay outing - can you say 'bivalent'?
> > Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 06:24:12 -0800
> >
> > ken wrote:
> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like one hub is drilled 32, the other
> > 36.
> >
> > They are what they are, Ken.
> > Shall I send them back to Cinelli and ask to exchange the 32 hole hub so I
> > have a matched pair?
> >
> > Like I said to someone else a while back, if you can't say something nice
> > about an item up for auction, please keep it to yourself. If you don't want
> > to bid on the item, that's fine. It won't break my heart. But hacking on
> > something that is up for auction, just for the sake of showing everyone that
> > you know more than they do, brings nothing to the table.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Jan Johnson
> > Portola Valley, CA
> >
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