Dear Listmembers,
I have a customer whose early eighties Cinelli LADIES frame and fork is being offered for sale. She has finally come to the realization that she will not get to buildingm the bike complete.
The frame was purchased unused by this owner but the paint (originally pearl pink) was shopworn. She had me repaint it in candy apple winefire with the original post 80's Cinelli decals. The original chrome was retained. From memory the crown, tips, and headlugs are chrome. Possibly more. The bike has never been assembled and has been wraped and boxed since the paint job in the mid 90's. Included is also a painted to match rear rack. This is a frame like the one pictures in the Cinelli art poster from the 80's. Girl not included. ;-)
This woman is in need of funds on account of limited income and I'd like to help her find a new home for the frame. I'm not positive of the size butit is smaller as opposed to larger. The frame is in LA so I would have to get my hands on it before I can get more info. The asking price is $600 for frame, fork, and rack.
If someone is really interested in having this frame for that "special someone" or if "someone special" wants it for themselves, please contact me off list and I'll see if I can hook you up. Thanks for helping out if you are inclined.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA