Park PCS- 4 Workstand for sale, (see descriptive link below).
This stand was "specially designed" to lovingly caress and cradle seatposts, or if necessary tubes, from pre-83 bicycles. (Wink Wink). It's the fancy schmantzy one that has soft jaws and folds up for storage into a nylon bag when not in use. It is new. I set it up once to see how it works, but since I have two other repair stands I'd prefer to pass it along. Shops seem to sell these for $199.95 - $250.00.
Sale price for this is $150.00 + shipping
Thanks for looking
craig g. fenstermaker
c/o cryocor inc.
9717 pacific heights blvd.
san diego, ca 92121
858.909.2209 voice
858.909.2230 fax