> > Brandon Ives wrote :
> >
> > Personally I think the list should stop at about
> > 1970 and the US bicycle boom. (cut)
> Chuck Schmidt wrote :
> CUT THE LIST AT 1970!?!?!?!?
> Ya whippersnapper ya. Hell, nothing has been made worth the powder to
> blow it up since about 1955! I say we cut the list at 1955 and be done
> with it!
> Chuck "Maryilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch (1955), mmmm" Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
Raoul Delmare Marysville Kansas Writes :
1955 Buddy Holly signs major contract with Decca Records . Elvis Presley signs major contract with RCA Records . Top film of the year ( ticket sales ) , in U.S.A. , is Disney's "Lady And The Tramp" . New television shows are "Captain Kangaroo" , and "The Mickey Mouse Club" .
Sounds like the beginning of an era to me !
1983 Tullio Campagnolo dies . Louison Bobet dies . Antonin Magni dies . Buster Crabbe dies . R. Buckminster Fuller dies . Muddy Waters dies .
Now that was the end of an era !
( 1983 - Karen Carpenter dies , Slim Pickins dies , Liberace dies . . . )