Jan Johnson wrote:
> Bob,
> The Big Daddy of all Swaps, in Nor. Cal. atleast, is Vance Sprock's
> Cupertino Bike Shop Swap Meet, held every year in late April.
> There's also the Trips for Kids Swap, up your way, in July.
> And Velo Swap, the Denver swap organized by Velo News,
> was toying with the idea of bringing a swap to the SF Bay Area.
> And we cannot forget to mention the San Diego swaps, held at the
> Balboa Park velodrome.
> Ted Ernst had a nice little swap a couple years ago, in the parking lot
> of his bike shop in So. Cal. That was very fun, and I think that was
> where I sold Chuck Schmidt his first wool jersey. Gave him a good deal,
> to get him hooked. Now he has a $500 a day habit.
Actually my riding started pre-lycra when wool was the only game in town (not counting t-shirts and cut off Levis). My first PAA (Pasadena Athletic Assoc) jersey actually had two front breast pockets!
But Jan is correct in that she sold me my first modern wool jersey, Alex Clarke's Merino wool Alessandro©, now Woolistic® jersey. My favorite (after the amazing Cinelli 'trainer' of course) is the black CinZanO jersey (Go Dave!). http://www.vintagevelos.com
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California