My new Curt Goodrich (still not totally assembled due to uninspiring weather)
Maybe a 1951 Rotrax w/ SA 4-speed
Chris Beyer
Bloomfield, NJ USA
> Roy Drinkwater said:
> Another reason to attend the Cirque, (cue television
> > voice-over announcement) "Dale, tell our audience who's
> > lined up for this year's Cirque"
> Last year, I compiled a listing of who was coming to Cirque along with the
bicycle(s) they planned to bring to ride. I'll be glad to do the same this
year. If attendees will send me their information, I'll post the compiled
list just prior to Cirque. Also, while I'll have to check with Dale before
I post without prices (list rule), if you are bringing complete bicycles to
sell or show, I'll compile that too and post if given the green light by the
boss. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL