Exceltoo is French and on the higher end of things....
I have seen the early steel hubs with the script and early Simplex skewers as well as later traditional high flange models similar to Maillards but with knurled/raised ridges and the 'Exceltoo Competition' engraving. These are very nice hubs for the day. I 'think' they were absorbed by Maillard at some point in the 60's.
My 2 francs .... um euros.
Matt Gorski
Belmont Shore, CA
> I have a set of wheels, the front an old Campagnolo (I don't know how
> old, 1950's is my guess) and the rear has an Exceltoo (written in a
> cool script with a swirl at the end of the last "o") hub. I checked
> the CR site under French and found Excel (I assume it's the same as
> this) but there was no link beyond the listing of Excel (not
> complaining, please note, only explaining).
> My question is whether this hub is French, whether it's quality or
> not (right now it's covered with grime and grease from about thirty
> years of sitting around). The skewer was Campagnolo and I wonder if
> there were Excel (too?) skewers, and if there were, what's the
> likelihood of finding one?
> I used to ask Scott Davis all my French questions and not bother the
> list with them, but I have had a series of computer crashes (am I
> explaining too much: he protests too much as Hamlet says) wiping out
> all addresses and am only slowly rebuilding the address book.
> Thank you very much.
> Cheers.
> tom
> --
> Tom Hayes
> 18585 Munn Road
> Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
> hayesbikes@nls.net
> hayes@jcu.edu