In a message dated 3/1/03 2:34:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> There is a Bianchi frameset on e-bay with the following Columbus sticker
> on it:
> Columbus Bianchi Special Cromo Moliboeno Reinforzati.
> Does anyone know what type of Columbus tubing this is?
Bianchi had Columbus make them special tubesets, as well as the Celeste
sticker to go with the set. The tubing is SP gauge on the down tube and
chainstays, I'm not sure about the forks, and SL everywhere else. The idea
was to get a bike that is stiff in the bottom bracket, yet comfy and
compliant on the bumps. It works. Albert Eisentraut was the first American
builder I know of to use this principle extensively, and I've built a few
frames that way myself. On a large frame, it makes a stiffer bike than an all
SL bike, but rides more comfortably than an all SP bike. Bianchi was also one
of the few Italian makers to properly match a different fork rake with each
head angle.
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA