[CR]Uncommon ? "Spooned ends" Was: Ann's Mystery Frame

(Example: Humor)

From: "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
To: "Raoul Delmare" <R.Delmare@Charter.net>, "C.R. List" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 17:43:21 -0500
In-Reply-To: <01e401c2e0fa$5b8cdfc0$7b257044@nebi.com>
Subject: [CR]Uncommon ? "Spooned ends" Was: Ann's Mystery Frame

How common are spooned or concave ends one might ask? I'd say more common than Raoul thinks. I walked around the basement and I can find 7 pairs of concave stay ends on the some of the bikes in my meagre collection. That'd be about 30% of my bikes and not all of them are vintage or steel. The ones that have concave stay ends include:

71 Masi Special Pista (the prettiest stay ends I'd say) 76 Zeus (almost diamond shaped but concave) 76 Marinoni (very much like the Masi's, very fine) 81 Gardin (also fine and engraved) 81 Pro Miyata (short like Ann's) 82 Velosport Mirage (also short like Ann's) 84 Miele (Japanese frame, quite pretty)

Seem pretty common to me... or do I have an odd sample of frames/bikes?

David Bilenkey Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org
> [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org]On Behalf Of Raoul
> Delmare
> Sent: March 2, 2003 3:29 PM
> To: C.R. List
> Subject: [CR]Ann's Mystery Frame , Miyata , Matsushita , Le Tour snip
> Hey Ann !!
> Personally , I think one of the big identifying features will be the
> upper ends of the seat stays , at the seat lug . In other words , I'm
> talking about the "seat cluster" , or the "top eyes" . Those
> "spooned" ends , which always instantly make me think of the
> word MASI ,are certainly a not-too-common feature !!
> Raoul Delmare
> Marysville Kansas