If I recall correctly, Steve Tilford, set the North American Hour Record
using these cranks to push something like a 168 gear inch. I don't remember
if this was the exact gear, but it was insanely huge, due to the mechanical
advantage of the cam in the cranks. I would need to break out the old
magazines to confirm... I asked him about it once, and all he said that his
knees hurt for a very long time afterward...
Jeremy Haynes
> On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 05:40 PM, wayofftheback wrote:
> > Here's a classic we might want to forget--the BioCam
> > Crank!
> Not me, it's things like this that I find really interesting. Cranks
> are basically the same as they were 150 years ago with a few
> exceptions, and this is one of those exceptions. Sure they don't work
> as well as they were hyped but they were/are very interesting. This is
> a truly rare item.
> enjoy,
> Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
> SB, CA