Dale tells me that my repainted Marinoni should be ready at Cycles De Oro by early next week, and the temperature here in New Jersey dropped another 20 degrees today. Hmm, sounds like it's time for a road trip. I'm hereby announcing the un-official Cirque Spring Training camp/weekend, for March 22-23 in Greensboro NC. My plan is to drive down Friday night, hang around the shop Saturday, build up the Marinoni and harass/annoy Dale until he shows me a good route to ride, relax Saturday night and then do the Rites of Spring ride with the Greensboro Velo Club Sunday afternoon, driving home Sunday night. The details of the Sunday ride are listed on the main Cycles De Oro page at this link:
Price is $10 with a 25 or 50 mile route, and snacks afterwards. The pictures from last years ride show people IN SHORTS and only ONE LAYER OF CLOTHES on their torsos! I'd forgotten there were such things. Dale indicates this is a low key, mellow local club affair, over the same roads as the Cirque routes, providing an excellent chance to plan your tactics and test your gears for the Cirque. So will any CR members be doing the Sunday ride? I'm recruiting domestiques to tow my sorry, out of shape undertrained blob of a self around the course, have lunch/dinner with me after the ride and shove me into the van and in the general direction of NJ Sunday afternoon. Hope to see you there, and also hope I don't bring the bad weather with me. You should probably reply off list, just so all other Cirque participants won't realize what an advantage we're gaining.
Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
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