RE: [CR]Lenton Tourist Question

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 08:44:13 -0500
From: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Lenton Tourist Question

Hi Tim,

The celluloid fenders used by Raleigh at this time typically had a raised center rib so the Bluemels "Lightweight" would be a good match. My '48 RRA came with "Noweights" which had a similar but slightly wider profile. A steady hand and an X-acto knife can provide you with a spearpoint version (they came both ways during this period).

Paul "Raleigh" Raley Leonardtown MD wrote:
>Hey Folks-
>I've actually found some good info on the Raleigh Lenton Tourist I had asked about here.  There's a Yahoo group called "rollbrittania" with a bunch of English bike fans on it.  By pure stroke of luck, I discovered this group just as two other members posted messages about their '51 Lenton Tourists.  So, we've been exchanging info.  
>One question I'd like to throw out here though...  My Tourist is sans fenders.  The original plastic Raleigh "spearpoint" fenders are long gone, and I don't expect to find another set anywhere.  Seems to me, my next best bet would be to put on a set of Bluemels.  Anyone have any thoughts on which model of Bluemel would be most appropriate, or should I even care?  I'm not expecting this bike to be a pure restoration at this point.  Maybe later, when I have more time and money, but for now, close is good enough.  I am familiar with the Bluemel "Lightweight" and "Popular" models... which would be closest to the original, do you think?
>Tim Fricker
>Vienna, VA

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