May I offer my 2 cents?
I started riding again after a good 10 year lay off in 1999. Got back in shape. started feeling pretty good. In Jan. of 2000 I had a nasty crash while descending at about 35 - 40 mph. Operator error, stupid misjudgement. Hey, it happens. Landed on the point of my shoulder and the side of my head. Fortunately, I was wearing a "modern" helmet. Without it, I wouldn't be writing this, or riding my bicycles. I saw stars, even with the helmet on. Broke 3 pieces off the end of my collarbone.
Now, in 10's of thousands of miles over the last 33 years I've taken numerous falls. Hit by a car, etc., etc., never wore a helmet, never broke a bone or hit my head. But I'll never ride again without a helmet. And I mean a modern one.
So, having said that. I recently had to shop for a new helmet, my old one was too hot. Here's my recommendation : buy a Giro Pneumo. They are fantastic! Light, well ventilated. Pricey, yes, but you can find some good buys (half retail) on E-Bay.
Just my opinion. :)
Greg Pitman
Rancho Cucamonga, CA