Thanks for sharing your Paramount story Dave. I've been a fan of them for
quite some time too but have managed to find three pristine ones and one
doggy enough to use as a commuter. Yesterday I turned down what might have
been a nice one. A 1968 chrome one with all the original parts plus Campy
brakes and an extra set of wheels. It didn't sell on ebay for $750, so I
tentatively agreed to buy it for that, but then in talking to the
(original)owner, he mentioned that he had knocked off the top tube cable
stops many years ago when he added the Campy brakes. That was the deal
killer for me. Too bad. If you are not as fussy as me you might still be
able to get this bike. Here is the ebay listing. You can contact the owner
through the ad. <A HREF="<blah>
Bob Freeman