[CR]Re: Paramount Touring Bikes -- Rear Mechs?

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 20:05:16 -0500
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
To: dnovo@ix.netcom.com, classicrendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Re: Paramount Touring Bikes -- Rear Mechs?

David A. Novoselsky asked about data from the Schwinn catalogs. 1972: Gran Trashmo on P-15 1973: "The P-15 Paramount is equipped with teh new Schwinn-Approved GT-300 "Le Tour" derailleur..." Picture at poor angle, but looks like a Crane. 1974: Don't have catalog 1975: Same picture as 1973, says "Schwinn-approved GT-300 rear derailleur".

I don't remember seeing one of these puppies marked "Schwinn-Approved" instead of "Crane," but memory dims...what were we talking about?

harvey sachs mcLean VA.

Well, this question seems to just get better all the time. I have a = dealer friend who wants to 'stay out of it' at this time, but who is = searching for his 1973 Paramount literature, and who also says he has a = 1973 Paramount that he kept for his personal bike and which he swears = came through with a Shimano rear with the Schwinn badge. So, did they = make the change in 73 or 74? I need to check the date that Shimano = actually introduced this der and see if someone at Waterford may know = when the first of the Schwinn badged models were introduced, but this is = sure fun to follow, eh? =20 Dave Novoselsky, Chicago, Illinois=20

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