Re: [CR]Re:Merckx, Masi, DeRosa

(Example: Framebuilding)

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 23:12:33 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]Re:Merckx, Masi, DeRosa
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

B2 that's a loooong note. and i'm going horizontal as soon as i wash my laughing gear, but re the frame i mentioned: don't confuse it with the one alluded to in your story here where pj meets that masi owner. i cited what i cited because the 1970 GC with the flat caps had 1) the same decals as my three, 2) the fisher crown with the tangs, sans holes, 3) the same very-large chainstay bridge lugs, 4) the same bb cutout, that is, not an 'M' but the urinal looking thingy holes, and 5) an invoice from sr masi dated 1970. it had never been repainted. withe exception of the seatstay caps it was identical to my three frames. (i only keep mentioning that i have THREE because i know mike carney is reading this and it twists his knickers when i bring this stuff up...). the pics are enough for me. the owner is an acquaintance not a friend so i wouldn't impose on his privacy. done. e-RICHIE serving myself up again. chester, ct

Brian Baylis <> writes: Richie,

DUDE! You know I want to see THOSE! I hope there are some detail shots. I wonder if there is a date stamped on the steerer like I've seen on every Italian GC I've seen thus far that was Italian made. The earliest GC I've seen personally, happens to belong to Ken Denny and is dated "8, 69". It has fluted caps. The latest date I've seen is the GC Chuck has dated "6, 73". Inspection inside the headtube of the bike you cite might tell us something also, as Specials were fitted with a headbadge which requires holes for the rivits. I would expect also that the lugs were DuBois and it has oval chainstays and the Brev. Masi decal on the chainstays. Like I said, I'm open to the possibility; but before I roll over I would have to see a lot of details. Hopefully the owner will indulge us? It would be a first for me.

One reason I'm not ready to accept the documents and the word of the owner just yet is because just yesterday Peter Johnson told me a VERY funny story. He told me about a ride he went on recently where he was riding his 1970 Masi GC and some other rider rolled up along side him and began to chat with Peter. The other person, too was riding a Masi. As the conversation turned to the age of Peters' bike, the other person, upon hearing Peters' bike was a 1970, responded that his Masi was built in 1957! Really? As Peter looked down at the bike the first thing he noticed was the IC fork crown cast with the Masi crest in it. His eyes rolled back in his head until they bumped into his brain. Obviously this person is mistaken. That crown does not appear until the late 70's at the very earliest. Sometimes people don't know exactly what they have. Most want to believe what they have is something special. Your frined may have just that; I don't know. It may be special because it would be the first of its' kind that I've ever seen or heard of. THAT is special. It may be a special that was decaled as a GC from the factory, VERY special also. No doubt there is an explaination for it, and I for one would be very curious to know for sure. I have really learned a lot about Masis in the past 7 or 8 years. I'm open for more. Do you suppose your friend might be willing to allow us to inspect it at close range so we can be sure? Many consider me somewhat an authority on Masis, I want to know as much as possible, and I want all of it to be factual and true. Personally, I would be very grateful to your friend.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA