RE: [CR]Ompax...the Dura-Ace bike redux

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

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Subject: RE: [CR]Ompax...the Dura-Ace bike redux
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 17:40:55 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]Ompax...the Dura-Ace bike redux
Thread-Index: AcLkHKI6yHBnlB5bTQC9sQxgiJw2xgAEjt2Q
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

Warren wrote;
>>The DA group includes, calipers, levers, DT shifters, derailleurs, 36° hubs, 165 crankset, 13-21 cogs (5speed) and top tube cable guides. The gum hoods are dry but not cracked The BB, cable guide and QR's appear to be generic Shimano. I tell you it's been awhile since I had anything nice to say about Shimano. I usually group them in with the "Axis of Evil"...but this stuff is flash!<<

I have some early (although probably mixed year) Dura Ace components that will make an appearance on a bike at the Cirque. I'm using a Crane rear derailleur, but the rest of the bits are labeled Dura Ace, including the headset (steel) and even the top tube cable clips! I believe the brakeset (black anodized side pulls) to be from the early 70's. While searching for brake hood replacements, I discovered that my original, disintegrating DA hoods were the same as the early Shimano 600 hoods. They don't say "Shimano" on the sides, but rather have the little Shimano S-like logo. I think I scored a complete NOS 600 lever set at a swap for just a couple bucks. Viola! New (and cheap) hoods for my DA levers.

Can anyone verify the year for the first DA side-pull calipers?

Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA