If I'm not mistaken, Sheldon has stickers for the crank arms.
Charles T. Young
Honeybrook. PA
> the "cyclo touriste" cranks (actual name "professional 5 vis") cranks
> were introduced in 1963, and has been virtually identical to its
> original form ever since - modern ones have a laser-etched logo
> on the arm, rather than the sticker that used to be there, but if you
> really want to you could maybe track down an old set of stickers
> and put them on, cause the indentation for the sticker is still there...
> pics can be found on the cranks page of my ta catalogue site:
> http://www.blackbirdsf.org/
> the zephyr and alize are modern cranks, i beleive introduced in the
> 90s, and while not period, are damn fine cranks. still some of the
> nicest finish work out there.
> -joel