For eclectic restoration needs, wants or fantasies,
I have a fresh stash of accessories for sale.
Group 1:
*Milremo plastic bar plugs in blue, dk blue, yellow,
white and red flavors. $4.00 pair.
*Var 2000 Vinly Tubular bag fits under saddle.
Requires toe strap. $3.00 per bag.
Group 1 photos:
I also have a replenished supply of NOS brake hoods.
Group 2:
*Modolo 919 Anatomic hoods slight white residue NOS
$15.00 set.
*Campy Shield Logo White Hoods for SR or NR 30.00
*Campy GUM Shield Logo Hoods for NR or SR 42.00
*Universal Gum hoods NO BOX 26.00/set
*Universal Gum Hoods in BOX 34.00 set
*Vittoria old style Gum hoods 30 pair
Group 2 Photos:
FREE USA SHIPPING!!!! If foto links dont work, please try again later. Yahoo free fotos are easily overwhelmed.
Scott Davis Apt. 303 83 Arlington Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 USA tele 651-487-6074.
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