Curtis Whatley says:
>After an exhaustive research that wore me down to the nubbins, I finally
>found the headbadge to Ann's bike. Covered with dust from the ordeal and
>feeling like Indiana Jones I managed to feebly post a rather blurry picture
>of it. Mind you my fatigue was extreme and I am a cyclist to a photographer.
><A HREF="">Exquisite
>Lunacy</A> or
>Curtis Whatley
LOL - maybe <g> ...
However, since the general consensus is that this bike is Japanese, if I cannot get a positive ID before paint time, I have enlisted Dennis Young's help in coming up with the Japanese characters for the word "what?" which will become the head tube decal.
I just want to thank you all for your help with the mystery bike. List members have offered various parts for it, suggested good painters (affordable too!), referred me to LBS sources that might be able to ID it and the possibility of having it ready for Cirque - since it is most likely era - is increasing.
Ann Phillips - Atlanta GA I don't want to go to work today, its too nice